WuHan, Hu Bei Province, China

Everything About SR920SW Battery and Its Equivalents

The SR920SW battery is a small but essential power source commonly used in various devices such as watches, calculators, and small electronics. Understanding the SR920SW battery and its equivalents is crucial for ensuring proper functioning and longevity of these devices. In this article, we will delve into everything you need to know about the SR920SW battery, including its features, specifications, and equivalents.

What Is SR920SW and Its Common Uses?

SR920SW Battery

SR920SW is a type of silver oxide button cell battery commonly used in small electronic devices, such as wristwatches, calculators, and medical devices. It is known for its compact size and reliable power supply. The SR920SW battery is specifically designed to provide long-lasting and stable performance, making it a popular choice among manufacturers and consumers alike.

Equivalents of SR920SW Battery

List of equivalent batteries such as 371, AG6, LR920, and more

When it comes to equivalents, the SR920SW battery has several counterparts available in the market. These include batteries such as 371, AG6, LR920, and more. These batteries are crafted to have similar dimensions and electrical characteristics as the SR920SW battery. This means they can be used as direct substitutes in devices that require an SR920SW battery.

How these batteries differ from sr920sw?

However, despite their similarities, these equivalent batteries differ from the SR920SW battery in certain aspects. For instance, they may have slightly different voltage outputs, capacities, or dimensions. These variations can have an impact on the compatibility and performance of the device they are used in. It is essential to consult the device’s specifications or the manufacturer’s guidelines to ensure the equivalent battery is suitable for use.

Features and Specifications of SR920SW Battery

Details about voltage, capacity, and dimensions of sr920sw

In terms of voltage, it typically provides a steady 1.55 volts, ensuring a reliable power supply to devices. The capacity of the SR920SW battery varies depending on the manufacturer, but is generally around 55-60mAh. While this may not seem high compared to other battery types, it is sufficient for the low power requirements of small electronic devices.

In terms of dimensions, the SR920SW battery usually measures 9.5mm in diameter and 2.1mm in height. These compact dimensions make it a suitable choice for devices that require a small power source. These features collectively make the SR920SW battery ideal for use in watches, calculators, and other portable electronic devices.

How these features affect the performance of devices that use sr920sw?

The consistent voltage output ensures stable operation, allowing devices to function optimally. The capacity, though relatively small, is sufficient for the power demands of most small electronic devices, ensuring they can operate for extended periods without the need for frequent battery replacements. Additionally, the compact dimensions enable the SR920SW battery to fit seamlessly into the tight spaces of devices, optimizing overall design and functionality.

Comparison of SR920SW With Other Batteries

The SR920SW battery is often compared to other similar batteries such as the SR916SW and SR920W. While all 3 batteries share some similarities, they also have significant differences.

For instance, the SR920SW has a higher capacity than the SR916SW, making it ideal for devices that require more power. On the other hand, the SR920W has a lower capacity than both the SR920SW and SR916SW and is best suited for devices that require less power. When choosing between these batteries, it’s essential to consider the device’s power requirements and select the one that offers optimal performance.

Where to Find SR920SW Battery Near You?


If you need to replace or buy your SR920SW battery, there are several places to select, both online and offline. Local electronic stores, watch repair shops, and department stores typically carry these batteries. You can also find them online through various websites and marketplaces.

When buying SR920SW batteries, it’s crucial to pick a reliable and high-quality supplier(Estar Trading) to ensure that you get a genuine product that meets your device’s specifications. It’s also essential to check the expiration date of the battery before purchasing it to avoid buying an expired or low-quality battery.

Proper Maintenance and Care of SR920SW Battery

Proper maintenance and care of your SR920SW battery can help extend its lifespan and ensure optimal performance. One way to achieve this is by storing the battery in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight. Exposure to heat and moisture can cause the battery to leak or degrade faster. It’s also essential to remove the battery from devices that are not in use for extended periods to prevent the battery from draining. Finally, when replacing the battery, make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully and dispose of the old battery properly. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your SR920SW battery performs optimally and lasts longer.


In conclusion, the SR920SW battery plays a vital role in powering numerous devices we use in our daily lives. By understanding its features, specifications, and equivalents, you can make informed decisions when it comes to replacing or choosing the right battery for your device. Remember to consult the manufacturer’s instructions or seek professional advice if you are uncertain about compatibility or installation.

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