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Demystifying the SR621SW Battery: What You Need to Know

The SR621SW battery, also known as the 364 battery, is a small and commonly used button cell battery. Found in various devices such as watches, calculators, and small electronics, this battery plays a crucial role in powering these everyday gadgets. However, many people have little knowledge about this tiny yet essential power source. In this article, we aim to demystify the SR621SW battery by providing you with all the essential information you need to know.

SR621SW Battery in Watches

SR621SW Battery

Importance of sr621sw battery in watchmaking

The sr621sw battery plays a crucial role in the functioning of watches. It is commonly used in various watch brands and models due to its compact size and reliable power supply. The battery provides the necessary energy to power the movement of the watch, allowing for accurate timekeeping and other additional features like date and chronograph functions.

Without a properly functioning battery, a watch may experience issues such as inaccurate timekeeping or complete stoppage. Therefore, ensuring that the sr621sw battery is in good condition is essential for maintaining the performance of watches.

Compatibility of sr621sw battery with Seiko watches

Seiko, a renowned watch manufacturer, often utilizes the sr621sw battery in many of its watch models. Seiko designs their watches to be compatible with this specific battery type, ensuring optimal performance and longevity. The sr621sw battery’s voltage, capacity, and dimensions are tailored to meet the requirements of Seiko watches, allowing for seamless integration and reliable power supply.

When replacing the battery in a Seiko watch, it is recommended to use an authentic sr621sw battery to maintain compatibility and ensure the watch functions correctly.

Tips on how to replace sr621sw battery in watches

  1. When it comes to replacing the sr621sw battery in watches, it is important to follow proper procedures to avoid any damage to the timepiece. Here are some tips to consider:
  2. Gather the necessary tools: To replace the sr621sw battery, you will typically need a case opener tool, tweezers, and a new sr621sw battery.
  3. Prepare a clean workspace: Find a well-lit and stable surface to work on. Ensure that you have enough space to lay out the watch components without misplacing anything.
  4. Remove the watch back: Use the case opener tool to carefully remove the back cover of the watch. Take caution not to scratch or damage the case or any internal components.
  5. Identify the battery compartment: Locate the battery compartment within the watch. It is usually a small round slot that holds the battery in place.
  6. Remove the old battery: Use tweezers to gently remove the old sr621sw battery from its compartment. Take note of the battery’s orientation for proper installation of the new one.
  7. Install the new battery: Place the new sr621sw battery into the compartment, ensuring it is correctly oriented. Press it down gently to secure it in place.

SR621SW vs. SR626SW Batteries

Overview of differences between the 2 types

The sr621sw battery has a voltage of 1.55 volts and a capacity of around 13 mAh, while the sr626sw battery has a voltage of 1.55 volts and a capacity of around 28 mAh. Additionally, the dimensions of the two batteries differ slightly, with the sr626sw being slightly larger than the sr621sw.

Effects on watch performance

A higher capacity battery like the sr626sw can provide longer-lasting power to the watch, allowing it to run for a longer period before needing a replacement. However, this increased capacity can also result in a slightly higher voltage output, which can potentially cause damage to the watch’s internal components over time.

On the other hand, the lower capacity of the sr621sw battery may result in a shorter lifespan, but it is less likely to cause any damage to the watch’s internal components due to its lower voltage output. Ultimately, the choice between the two batteries depends on the specific watch model and its power requirements.

It is important to note that while the sr626sw battery can technically be used as a replacement for the sr621sw battery in some watches, it is not always recommended. Using a battery with a higher capacity than what is specified by the manufacturer can potentially cause damage to the watch or void its warranty.

Equivalent Replacements for SR621SW Battery

Some compatible alternatives include batteries with similar specifications, such as the 364, AG1, or LR621 batteries. These alternatives share the same voltage and size as the sr621sw battery, making them suitable substitutes in many watch models. However, it is essential to consult the watch manufacturer’s guidelines or a professional watch technician to ensure compatibility before using these alternative batteries.

When selecting an equivalent replacement for the sr621sw battery, there are a few factors to consider.

  • First, ensure that the replacement battery has the same voltage (1.55 volts) and dimensions as the original battery to ensure proper fit and function.
  • Additionally, consider the brand reputation and quality of the replacement battery. Opting for reputable brands can help ensure reliable performance and longevity.
  • Lastly, be mindful of any specific power requirements or recommendations provided by the watch manufacturer to ensure compatibility and avoid potential damage to the timepiece.

Where to Find SR621SW Battery Near You?

SR621SW Battery

Local stores that offer SR621SW batteries

Consider visiting local watch shops, jewelry stores, or electronics stores that carry watch accessories and batteries. Additionally, general retailers such as department stores, supermarkets, or convenience stores with a battery section may also stock sr621sw batteries. It is advisable to call ahead or check their websites to confirm availability before visiting.

Online retailers and platforms such as Estartrade-ic.com

If you prefer the convenience of online shopping, numerous online retailers and platforms offer sr621sw batteries. One such platform is Estartrade-ic.com, which specializes in providing a wide range of watch batteries and accessories. Online marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, or specialized watch accessory websites can also be reliable sources for purchasing sr621sw batteries.

When buying online, make sure to check the seller’s reputation, customer reviews, and shipping options to ensure a smooth purchasing experience. Remember to verify the authenticity of the batteries and consider factors such as shipping costs, return policies, and delivery times when making your purchase decision.


SR621SW battery is a small but mighty power source that keeps countless devices running smoothly. Whether it’s your favorite wristwatch or your trusty calculator, understanding the specifications and applications of this battery can help you make informed decisions when it comes to replacing or using it.

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